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  • Writer's pictureLinnéa Jacobsson

North Cape walk 1


For the first walk with the group, our location is North Cape and we have to walk between two points to set a route.

This is the map we got, the blue dots are the start and finish points of the walk whereas the North cape is a walk-through point (even if we can't walk through the building). We discovered that the area is gated and inside they train 9 dogs that would attack you if they saw you.

Our path was decided by all of us. We walked 25 or 50 meters between each stop depending on how much we felt there was to document in each place.

My overall feeling about this area is that there are so many different elements along the way. We started in a very residential area, still with nature in sight but there were cars, people talking on the phone and bins knocked over on the street. A very narrow space where there is only one "right" way to move forward. Arriving at the bigger street to cross it we saw more cars and a bus stop. On the other side, there was a metal fence that you could easily walk over and then walk through the bushes next to it. Then we arrived at a big open green space with bushes and plants scattered here and there. The ground was not completely flat but no big hills either. Walking through the bushes to have a closer look at the paths around there and then exiting to the big green area. At that spot, we were met by many dogs and their owners. It seemed to be a very popular area to walk your dog. Of course, we had to stop and say hi to the dogs coming at us, some with toys in their mouth. Then we continued our walk, crossing another low metal fence and entering a road leading into a very high-security area by the looks of it. Big gates with barbed wire at the top. The road turned into a walking path where we met even more dogs and their owners. The path was located between the big fences with barbed wire and broken fences with trash scattered around. The broken fences were for a trailer park, where there might be yearly or summer residential living there. The trees were hanging over the path making it darker. The wider path turned into a more narrow path, going a bit uphill. The big barbed wire fence continues all along the way, but on the other side, we can now see the trailer park more clearly. On that narrow path, we met a man with his dog that told us that; this area is a nudist beach and it is very peaceful and quiet in the summer mornings when the sea is still and it is a perfect place to walk your dog. We continue on the narrow path and it leads us to the big open pebble beach. We are met by square things on our way down, not sure what they are or if they have been for something. We can see the coast to the west before Southsea bends to the northwest and we can see Hayling island on the other side to the east. Across the sea, we can see the Isle of Wight, lighthouses and bunkers. Walking east we still follow the high fence with barbed wire and the sea further down on the beach. Eventually, on the pebble beach, there appears a concrete wall of some sort that we can walk on the reach the end of the path. When we reach the fence we see that it is not possible to walk any further, the water is too high to jump down from the wall safely to make it across. [...] On our way back it has become dark and we can see the lights on the horizon as we walk across the beach and the cold wind from the sea is hitting us. The narrow path is dark and it goes even darker when we reach the wider path. You can barely see where you are walking. reaching the green area you see how beautiful the apartments and houses lit up on the other side.

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