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  • Writer's pictureLinnéa Jacobsson


Today we were presenting the work that we have made up until today. I was talking about my ideas that you can read about on the first page. I put in the most critical work and ideas to present to my tutors and peers.

My long section connects pages 2, 3 and 4 to show the walk and observations I made.

Page 2 is a matrix over some of the pictures from the walk with my stick, walk with my domestic object, in-class projects, making workshop, observational drawings and taking a word for a walk. I am planning to have a look at these pictures and find possible connections between everything.

Page 3 shows a plan of the site where I took the pictures from the walk with a domestic object. The pictures next to the plan are from my first observation of the site. Above that is my long section which I have divided it into different categories that are important to me and my observations. I colour-coded it in the pattern of the sound to show the sound recording in the area.

Page 4 is looking deeper into the patterns I have found interesting from my observations. From the recording inside my vase with the very interesting movement of patterns to look at slime mould and how it works. The precedence is an important inspiration for me so I wanted to talk about that. I am also looking at where I want my design to be which is at the location of my word walk. I find it to be an interesting space between two buildings, and it would be great to design something that is not made for humans, in an area where everything is made for humans.

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