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  • Writer's pictureLinnéa Jacobsson

Virtual Reality

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[INT] Today we tried to draw and design in VR, it was a new and interesting experience. I got to try moving around within a set space to keep within one space in the room. Looking at how someone moves around when they are virtually somewhere else is very interesting and I was mapping my group's movements within the space. In the pictures above you can see how Inchara and Emily has been moving around while designing in the space.

In page 1 I was looking at he footsteps and how they where moving around the space. I recorded it in two different ways in two different sessions and they move differently in the different recordings.

Page 2 is looking at their movement in 3D, I also wanted to do this in two different ways. I was looking at where they were in the space as well as how they moved their arms.

Page 3 and 4 is some doodles of their footsteps and arm movements and how it looks in some movements.

Linnéa Jakobsson, Emily Willmer, Inchara Shetty

In VR my group and I experimented with different tools and colours to draw. We were inspired by the VR space we created and used it as a physical expression of our emotions and look to incorporate this into our design. Furthermore it has inspired us to design something flowy and we where thinking of using fabric and the natural elements to design our space. The natural rhythms of our surrounding such as wind, tide, sun and sound in our site will inform our design.

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